Enomis: Das bin ich -It's me

Bereits als Kind waren alle von meinen Zeichnungen hochbegeistert - diese Begeisterung (Ich fand 2007 zufällig ein paar Kinderzeichnungen von mir) brachte mich endlich wieder zur Kunst zurück. Ewig lang das Talent vergessen, bin ich nun um so mehr motiviert...mittlerweile sind bereits über 500 Zeichnungen entstanden, und es werden täglich mehr...wundervolle, fantastische Zeichnungen, Kreaturen und Muster, da kann ich auch selbst nur staunen und mich an meinen, sehr freundlichen und vor allem lustigen Figuren erfreuen, und hoffe und weiss, dass die Zeichnungen nicht nur mich, sondern mittlerweile schon sehr sehr viele Fans erfreuen! 


The Artist:

Simone Gautsch started painting in the far 70s. Then she lost her pencil for a long time and comes back with fresh inspiration from the journeys in her life. Her kind of art is got a unique mirror of the present.

Already as a child all of my drawings were highly enthusiastic - this enthusiasm (I accidentally found some children's drawings in 2007) finally brought me back to art. Forget about talent forever, I'm all the more motivated ... there are now more than 500 drawings created, and there are more and more every day ... wonderful, fantastic drawings, creatures and patterns, and I can only marvel at myself and myself enjoy my, very friendly and above all funny characters, and hope and know that the drawings not only me, but now enjoy very many fans!

The Design: Enomis' original Drawings are made with pencil or ink on Paper, sized A4 to A3+. With Photoshop, Enomis brings the color in her drawings. These Pictures she prints on canvas, silk or cotton...and out of these Materials, Enomis produces very nice things for you and your friends. On the Web-Shop of Enomis you can find a small selection of all these beautiful things, made from Enomis.



Mag. Simone Gautsch Hinterlechner, Künstlerin/Designerin

 Tel: 0043-699-1235 3210, E-Mail: simone@enomis.org

Born to be a human - geboren um mensch zu sein

The Christmas Bird...live painting with children

The Christmas Bird - this bird I paint in a kindergarden under the direction of the children... I paint the bird and the children told me how he should look like and than the children give the color the bird.
The Christmas Bird - this bird I paint in a kindergarden under the direction of the children... I paint the bird and the children told me how he should look like and than the children give the color the bird.